Full Design Process


Following initial contact by email or telephone, the design process starts with a free consultation at the site you would like to be designed. This is an opportunity for us to meet in person and for me to take a look at the site. We can wander around the garden and you can give me a brief overview of what you would like from your garden and the possible changes you would like to make. This usually takes about an hour. I can also show you my portfolio and we can discuss my work. Afterwards I will send you an email with an itemised quote for you to consider.

First Meeting -

Getting to know you and the site

Our first official meeting will be all about analysing the site and discussing the brief. This is when I will take photos of the garden, assess environmental conditions, and for smaller less complex gardens, carry out a site survey. Larger gardens will need to gain a topographical survey to ensure the design is to the correct dimensions, I can help with this by sub-contracting a professional surveyor to do the work for you.

We will discuss what you need from the garden, how you use it now and how else you would like it to be enjoyed. This is the point where we talk about style, colour and materials and any specific ideas that you would like to be included.

Second Meeting - Feedback

At our second meeting I will present the design concept to you. Since our first meeting I have created a design for the garden with chosen materials, style and colour and this will be represented as a rough design, using images and 3D modelling. This meeting is all about finalising the materials and products for the design so I can complete the final plans.

Final Meeting - Presentation

This is the final meeting where I present to you the completed drawing plans, planting plans, 3D visuals, all the mood boards and any notes needed for the build, anything that was agreed upon in the initial agreement.

During this meeting we can also discuss how to proceed towards implementing the design.

Next steps

Next will be the tendering process in which carefully selected landscapers will be shown the plans, and given the opportunity to visit the site and submit quotes. It will be your responsibility to make the final selection and to create an agreement with the landscaper for the work to be done but, I can assist with this stage of the design to ease any stress and to help communicate the design for the build.

Work will then begin on the hard landscaping, which I can project manage if required. Once this is completed, the living parts will be added. The job then comes back to me and I will be able to source the plants, trees and soil required from trade suppliers, provide a quote and arrange deliveries.